This year has been extraordinary challenging for all of us, physically and emotionally. It’s been difficult to witness all the uncertainty, suffering and heartbreak that 2020 has surfaced. While we need to acknowledge how it has affected us and learn the valuable lessons these experiences have taught us, we also need to focus on moving forward from here. Children need this as well. The only way to combat the weight of the difficulties and emotional pain this year has brought is by doing good. So, let’s collectively work, adults and children, on bringing some light into the world.
A couple of months ago I suggested playing the “I Spy Gratitude Game” with your children. For those of you who missed it, look at my blog from April 27th for the details. Gratitude is a great way for us to shift things in our own mind to a more positive and optimistic mindset. Today though, I want to talk about being “Light Givers.” What exactly is a “Light Giver,” you may ask? Let me give you a brief description.
Within each of us are unique gifts and wisdom, kindness and compassion, and patience and love to share. These qualities radiate from inside all of us and make us all Light Givers. When we share these with others we bring more beauty and light to them and subsequently, into the world. We all need to purposefully share our light and look for people to bless in ways big or small, and it’s important to get children involved in this as early as possible. Teach them that they can spread their light by simply sharing a smile or by offering a kind word or deed. Perhaps they could call or video chat with a friend or family member who may be feeling lonely or needs an ear to listen to them. They can be creative and write someone a poem or note, make a special dish or dessert, draw them a picture, sing them a song or do a little dance for them. Light Givers are thoughtful and considerate and make a conscious effort to spread kindness, joy and love without expecting anything in return, and their energy is contagious. They are always respectful and considerate of others and treat them the way they would like to be treated.
It’s not hard to be Light Giver, but there are times when we all experience sadness, stress, fear or disappointment. At those times we may believe that our light is dimmed, and we feel that we don’t have much to offer, but that’s not true. Our light is always there, radiating, even when we don’t feel like it is shining brightly. Sometimes we feel it strengthened after another Light Giver shines their light upon us. Yet other times, even when we don’t feel our strongest, we can still shine our light on others, and usually the light we share with them reflects back on us and helps us feel better.
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