Valentine’s Day is just a few days away and while the focus of the holiday is generally on romantic gestures, I think it’s extremely important to take this opportunity to teach kids what true love really is about. While flowers, candies and dinners are wonderful, I think it’s imperative to let kids know that love is more about how we treat people and how we serve them. Here are some simple examples you can share with children. Real love is sharing your favorite cookie with someone even when you’d rather eat it yourself. It’s writing an encouraging note to somebody who is sad or giving them a hug. It’s making the bed or cleaning up your sibling’s room just because you want to do something nice for them. It’s showing your appreciation for a person who helps you, whether it’s a relative, friend or the school crossing guard. Sometimes the simplest things we do for others have the biggest impact.
One of the stories in my book, The Light Giver & Other Stories to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children, addresses this topic. In the story, “Love Is a Way to Live” a young boy is taught by his grandfather to recognize the love that surrounds him and is encouraged to “live love.” At the end of the story, after a heroic demonstration of service, he is rewarded with great love.
Today, in honor of Valentine’s Day and my love and appreciation for you, I would like to share a lesson with you from my book, Light Giver Stories Workbook. “The Love Week Project” is a simple activity that encourages children to redefine the word “love,” recognize it when it is shown to them and put it into action. This is my gift to you for the month of February. Just click on the link below next to the words, FREE ACTIVITY. Happy Valentine’s Day! May every day of this year overflow with love for you.