“I don’t have all the answers.” It’s rather uncomfortable for us to admit this to ourselves, to others and to children, but as a whole, I think our culture should embrace this truth more. Sure, with Google at our fingertips we have become spoiled getting some answers immediately. But not everything is on Google, and sometimes not everything provided there is enough to give us the answers we need. So often when we are caught off-guard by a question, a choice or a dilemma that a child presents to us, we feel pressured to “say something” so we don’t look or feel inadequate. But what if we instead embraced the truth, and what if we taught our children to do the same. It’s impossible to know everything or know how to handle every situation that comes our way. Sometimes we need time to think about what to do, or to learn more about something before we rush to answer and/or make a decision we might regret. Let’s teach children by example that it’s okay to admit when we don’t have all the answers, and that sometimes we need time to figure things out. It is far better to give a knowledgeable answer that requires time and contemplation than to just speak off the cuff. There’s enough of that going on in social media.
Learn more about my books by clicking on the links below.
The Light Giver and Other Stories to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children
The Light Giver Stories Workbook
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